
In 2021 due to the factory we originally selected to manufacture our bowl selling their beautiful site in the Jewellery Quarter to developers, they moved out of Birmingham. Sad as this was it provided us a fantastic opportunity to redesign our product after 3 years of road testing, we worked closely with Balti Triangle chefs and even gained permission from Birmingham Museum to inspect the original balti bowl on display there. To ensure our new design improved upon our first, we took all the best elements, favoured by balti chefs of the museum bowl and our first design to create the ultimate Birmingham designed and made balti bowl. And of course ensuring production truly remained in Birmingham, the Birmingham Balti's spiritual home!
The new design, crafted in small batches by a small family run factory provides better stove manoeuvrability, a more authentic look, closer to the original with a stylish modern take, increased bowl volume and the prefect edge.
We have now succeeded in bringing production of the Birmingham Balti bowl back to Birmingham TWICE!